Learn About NILECJ STD 0601.00 Compliance Standards For Metal

By Webmaster / October, 9, 2023

NILECJ STD 0601.00 Compliance Standards ICON

Section 402(b) of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 included a mandate to develop new and improved techniques, equipment, and systems to strengthen law enforcement, which is how NILECJ-STD-0601.00 came into existence as the industry standard for metal detectors. This standard is relevant today in 2023 as a baseline of confidence that the metal detector consistently alarms on the Test Object because it tests Left, Right, and Center from the Low to High in multiple orientations with the Test Object. Every weapons detector on the market should, in our opinion, adhere to this standard, as a minimum.

Violent incidents and the perceived threat of an incident has always driven the need and the sale of security products. North America is the largest market for security systems, and most experts start with physically securing the perimeter, camera systems, and access control. In response to armed criminals, and active shooters, many organizations research and install metal detectors and weapon detection systems. How to compare and make sense of the different systems on the market?

When selecting a weapon screening technology, one aspect to consider is Screening Standards. Does the manufacturer make claims and any guarantees of consistent detection? Research what claims are being made in writing, and what documentation can be provided supporting the claim by the manufacturer. One Standard that gives a baseline of guidance is the NILECJ-STD-0601.00. Let us explore. Published in 1974 and recorded to Microfiche in 1975: https://www.ojp.gov/pdffiles1/Digitization/13387NCJRS.pdf

The Major Components Of It

There are three major components to this framework, which are as follows:

  1. The Requirements For Acceptance
  2. The Performance For Testing Procedures
  3. The Field-Testing Procedures

Going through all of the details of this document is out of the scope of this article, but what we provide is an overview of it so that you can get a grasp of its importance of this congressional mandate.

The Requirements For Acceptance

Some of the major areas to be addressed are:


Any weapons systems that have been just created have to meet the stringent requirements of UL 60950, which is entitled ‘Safety for Information Technology Protection”.


The weapons detection must be safe to use for both the operator of it and the people that will be examined. In this regard, there should not be any sharp objects that can tear any kind of clothing, or cause any kind of physical cut to the subjects being tested. Any curvature that is used in the device should not exceed 1mm in terms of radius.

*Exposure to external sources:

This primarily deals with the magnetic field that is being generated. For the sake of ensuring the highest amount of safety to both the subjects and the operator, the exposure limits cannot exceed those as specified in the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) 0302, which is entitled: “Sub-Radio Frequency (30 kHz and below) Magnetic Fields.” Equally important (if not more) is that the magnetic field which is generated shall not interfere with any kind of implanted medical device.

The Performance For Testing Procedures

Some of the important facets of this are:

*The Testing Location:

The test object (which is the weapon that is being examined) should be at least 15 centimeters away from the detector floor, and there should be at least a 15-centimeter separation from the weapon to the highest point of the detection system. There should also be at least 0.8 centimeter from the weapon and the sides of the testing equipment.

*The Testing Environment:

This should simulate the real world setting in which weapons detection will be used. The temperature must meet the requirements as set forth in the framework, and the environment in which it will be deployed, which can be any of the following:

  • Indoor
  • Outdoor
  • Sheltered Outdoor

The humidity levels also have to reasonable, and must be “noncondensing” in nature.

*The Deployment:

The weapons detection system must be implemented that is exact to the vendor specifications, no alterations to that should be made. Further, any subsequent tweaks that need to be made will have to follow the manufacturer suggestions as well.

*The Testing:

If the system has more than one sensor for weapons detection, then all of the results need to be recorded and documented for each of one of them.

*The Types of Weapons:

All weapons that are classified as large or medium sized need to be put through the system in order to truly gauge its effectiveness for its detection capabilities.

The Field-Testing Procedures

This part of the framework pertains to all weapons sizes:

  • Large
  • Medium
  • Small

In summary, an individual known as a “Clean Tester” will have to walk through the weapons detection system with the appropriate armament at least three times in succession in order to make sure that it can be detected. This needs to be done at various walking speeds, ranging from 0.5 meters/second to 1.5 meters/second.


If you wish to view the entire framework with all of the relevant details you need to know about, go this link: https://www.ojp.gov/pdffiles1/nij/193510.pdf

This standard from 1974 was exhaustive given the technology at the time, and raised the bar for all manufacturers. In a world of short form marketing and short attention spans, this standard is still relevant because it is a reference point to compare weapon detection systems. This standard gives a baseline of confidence that the detector consistently alarms on the Test Object because it tests Left, Right, and Center from the Low to High in multiple orientations with the Test Object. Every detector should, in our opinion, adhere to this NILECJ STD 0601.00 Standard and the proposed ASTM WK76321 new test method that applies to all walk-through metal detectors that are used to find metal contraband concealed on people. More on the New ASTM Test Method coming soon.

If you have any further questions on this, or on any other related issues related to weapons detection, please contact us today.

This blog post is not to be construed as legal advice. If there is any conflicting information, please refer to the primary sources which are included in this post.

Learn more about testing the Athena Weapons Detection System powered by Ceia Opengate in this video. to make sure it is catching items that you wish for it to catch follow the video to make sure the system is operating correctly.